Enjorying your weekend? ♥

23 04 2011

Hey Guys!

Are you guys enjoying your weekend!? ★?

As you guys may already have notice, i haven’t started my diet yet because the shop was closed on friday so i couldn’t get the material i needed!! So yeh i was a bit disappointed! haha~

I didn’t want to start on the weekend because i still have assighnments to finish and plus the shops are closed so i couldn’t get the material i needed! So lol xD Sorry to disappoint you guys!

Now, Now i shall announce to you my official date for my diet plan! =P *dun dun Dun*

The official date is:

26th April 2011 (Tuesday) and finish at 2nd May 2011 (Monday)

I guess….. lolol! Nahh i will definetly start on that day!! =D and lose my 10kg =D hehe!

Okay lets talk about yesterday!

On friday morning i weighed myself and realized that i have gain a few pounds due to eating unhealthy foods like CHOCOLATE (my best friend) and Ice- Cream! I couldn’t control myself so i knew i had to lose it of before i start this strict diet! I went for an one hour walk that afternoon, hoping to lose that pound and also ate less that afternoon and guess what happened!? On the next day i lost my pound and back to 56kg! Oooh Yeh! i was soo happy *dance* *dance*  ♩ ♬

Lets talk about today!

On friday i had a sleep over at my grandparents’ place! My Granny loves to force me to eat her cookings which is pretty nice BUT a bit too unhealthy however i wasn’t very keen because i am scared to gain a few pounds but then again it was wayy too tempting, so i had some food. In the morning i had some cornflakes (yum Yum) and some marshmellows hehehe, i just love to spoil myself ya know! =D I also had some oats and yogurt! it was delicious! For lunch i had some asian dry noodles and SPRING ROLLS ( they were YUMMY) and some nice strawberry cream sponge cake (soo fattt)~!! LOL but too bad it was to tempting =P! After that i just relaxed and chilled~ However that late afternoon i manged to persuasive my aunts to go for a walk with me also the dogs so i could burn the calories i just ate! xD So we took our two lovely family dogs, they are called Tidus (male) and Yuna (female).. Can you guess where we got those name from? hehe~! We walked about 20 minute and we played some frisbie with the dogs, it was fun but i sucked lolol i couldn;t throw! =D But at least i had my one hour exercise, hopefully that burn the calorie ≧^◡^≦

For dinner i had heaps! OMG seriously T^T!!! I had two spring rolls (fat) and 2 normal size bowels of noodles, one hot cross bun and half a cup of milk!! xD T^T It was just way toooo tempting >.<!!!! I need to burnt it of, i will probably go for a walk later just by myself or maybe practice some of my kpop dance moves! Dont underestimate me! I can dance, i tell ya!

After dinner my aunt taught me and put some make up on my face, the sexy style! it looked pretty cool =D LOLOL!  i really need to practice on how to put make up on hehe h =D

Anywayz! Thats about all for today, i will update sometime hehe =] but i will definetly update next tuesday!

Enjoy your weekends!

Peace ya!

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My Diet Plan: How to lose 10kg in one Week!

21 04 2011

Hi Everyone~!

Note: Sorry for my bad english ≧◔◡◔≦

I thought i should post my diet plan today since im starting tomorrow~ Hehe i am kinda excited ≧◡≦

Okayz! to be honest during the holidayz i have been trying to diet in the healthy way and i have only lost 1kg on the first week. I had to eat healthy like only veges and fruit and i have been going for one hour jogs every morning. I got really tiered of jogging each morning and so i stop this diet because i thought it was stupid how i ran for a week and only lost 1kg!? I got really sick and tiered and i wanted to lose weight faster so i went up to the internet and started searching for rapid weight loss. I didn’t care if the diet was unhealthy i just want to lose weight fast.

So I went to this website and it said that i could lose 10kg in one week, at first i was really happy, finally found a method that i could use to lose 10kg in one week!! xD YAY! However i was not sure if it will work. The detail of the method wasn’t very clear so i started reading comments from the bottom, ofcourse there was some people asking to rewrite the method and also some people who were against this method because you could gain it all back or something like that which i didn’t really care~ and there were more and more question from other random people.

I continue reading all the comments until i came across to this girl who actually tried this method and lost 11kg in just one week! she was answering the questions from random people about this diet. So i had hope! YAY! *clap* and when i read the comments further i realized that a couple of people also tried this diet and lost 10kg in one week! So i was like oh yea i am gonna try this diet! ≧◡≦!

The method wasn’t very clear and the girl who lost the 11kg told us to go to this other website where is the same method but just more detailed. Warning: After you finish this diet you may gain all your weight back if you start to eat normal again and thats what happen to the girl who lost 11kg but she only gained 2kg lolol~

The website that had more detailed for the method is evebridge.com

I thought the website is pretty trustworthy coz is like a blog , she talks about her personal experience~

Now i shall announce the method that i am going to try tomorrow !!!!

Diet Plan:

So as you can see this diet is for those people who are desperate to lose weight (like me)

Its a 7 days starvation!! xD!! Yes i know is really bad for my health but i dont care! I need to lose weight b4 School! =D

Apparently the recipe is worked out by doctors and somehow it is permissible to practice such fasting days every month. They said It is 100% guaranteed to lose to 25Ibs (11.4kg) I guess a bit over 10kg in one week! However if you use this method next time you wont be guranteed to lose 10kg or more.

The good thing is that YOU dont have to exercise YAY! *dance*

Okay so here it is:

1st day: 1 bottle mineral water divide into 6 parts for drinking during the day.

✂ I’m not sure how many litres or ml are in one bottle of mineral water but i say about 750ml ~ 1L? I am not quite sure lol

2nd day: 1 litre skim milk divide in to 6 parts for drinking during the day; 1 apple at 9 o’clock in the evening.

3rd day: 1 bottle mineral water divide in to 6 parts for drinking during the day.

Again i am not quite sure how many litres or millitres.

4th day: vegetable day. Salad (about 0.9~1kg) fresh cabbage, carrot, any potherbs you like. Add vegetable oil 1 table spoon. Salad divide in to 3 parts. You can drink 2 glasses of water or tea without sugar during this day.

So, i guess you can drink water today?

5th day: 1 liter milk divide in to 6 parts for drinking during the day; 1 apple at 9 o’clock in the evening.

6th day: breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1 cup of tea; in 11 o’clock drink 1 glass boiled vegetables (just liquid) potato, carrot, cabbage; lunch: 100g boiled meat (beef) it’s about 4 box of matches, and 100g tinned green peas; afternoon snack: 1 apple; dinner: 1 apple, 1 apple at 9 in the evening.

7th day: 100g cottage cheese and 2 glasses of skim milk or kefir, 1 cup of tea without sugar in the evening;

I dont think i will include the 100g cottage cheese coz i think is optional since the girl who lose 11kg didn’t include the cheese.

So again, this diet is for people who have strong will power and is guaranteed to lose 11kg (hopefully is true or else i will be wasting my time)

The author just gave us some advice like you should start on monday to finish at weekends and its better to start at the decrescent moon because it’s a well known fact that starvation isn;t so hard these days.

The girl who lost the 11kg also gave some advice like during the diet she drank a glass of lukewarm water mixed with one teaspoon of honey and one tablespoon of lemon juice everymorning and it really did worked for her ( this diet). I might include the drink that she recommanded hehe i will see~

I am not sure about starting on the moon thinging and how we should  start the diet on monday because i want to start this diet tomorrow (friday 22nd April) so i could finish on next thursday (28th April). I will probably discuss with my friends! lolol ≧^◡^≦

I will let you guys know when i am going to start this diet! Don’t worry i will keep an update on how i am going with this diet and i will let you guys know if this diet will work or not!

After i reach my goal i will probably write a new post on how to keep your healthy weight hehe.

Peace Ya!

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21 04 2011

HeY! Welcome to my very first diet BLOG❣

Um… I dont really know what to write on my first post LOLOL xD~

I guess you guys already know that this is going to be a diet blog~ I am actually gone start my diet on the 26 april 2011 and i will let you guys know if the method that i got from the internet really worked! 

The Mehtod is very very unhealthy is very similar to starvation and may harm your health in the future but i dont really care about that i just want to look good!~! xD I am very desperate!!! XD


Peace ya!
